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NVC for You and Me (Module 8 of 8) – Leadership Series for Black, Indigenous and People of Color
December 14, 2019 @ 10:00 am - December 15, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

Nonviolent Communication (NVC), sometimes called Compassionate Communication, guides us to re-frame how we communicate with each other. When combined with mindfulness, NVC helps us identify what is alive inside of us and find ways to express that. It allows us to work through conflict peacefully with integrity, and improve how we express ourselves.
But as amazing as NVC and mindfulness are at strengthening connections with self, friends, loved ones and community, the benefits haven’t been accessible to all communities. Sadly, NVC ’s packaging and delivery haven’t always been done in a way that’s felt inclusive to all.
“NVC for You and Me” will be facilitated by Roxy Manning. A licensed clinical psychologist, Roxy works to help the most vulnerable citizens of San Francisco get access to federal resources that can help them thrive. Roxy is one of the few Black CNVC Certified Trainers worldwide. She has served as Executive Director of BayNVC and lead trainer for BayNVC’s NVC Leadership Program. She co-founded the Nonviolent Leadership for Social Justice Retreat in 2007 and has been a core trainer at that event, exploring the intersection of race, ethnicity, class, and NVC, ever since. Roxy has experience supporting people working towards individual and social change nationally and internationally. As people of color, we can now experience Compassionate Communication in a way that resonates with us from a trainer who combines lived experience with critical theory.
Roxy Manning is so passionate about the idea of reframing NVC so that it is recentered in the culture and the history of our experience in this country that she has committed to flying here from Oakland, California one weekend a month for 4 months. She will teach, she will reframe, she will listen… When all is said and done, we hope to get from our time together an understanding of NVC that works for you and me. And since Roxy believes strongly that each one should reach one, she will offer 4 additional months of leadership training so that you can teach and facilitate NVC with a racial equity lens for your community.
We know that the framing of NVC is only part of the problem preventing people who come from our communities from participating in the trainings. The average person can’t take off 7 days from work to learn something new — no matter how beneficial it might be. And, the cost of many NVC trainings put them out of reach for many folks. Roxy has agreed to come up 1 weekend a month so many people can get an in-depth training without missing work. And the Freedom Project has committed to raising the funds to make her trip possible so that you can learn this important work at no cost to you. We will also help with transportation and child-care if you need that kind of help in order to attend the workshops. Our goal is to strip away the barriers that might prevent you from joining us on this journey to combine NVC with racial equity and benefit our communities.
Questions? Please contact David Heppard at [email protected].
And if you want to support this work because you are passionate about NVC being accessible to all communities you can still support by going to freedomprojectwa.org/supportnvcforyouandme